蓄水、純凈水、五金電子、服裝鞋帽、紡織印染、石油化工、化學試劑、酸洗電鍍、**食品、城鄉供水、戲水游樂、釀酒制糖、蔬菜腌制、水產養殖、冷凍冷藏、環保衛生等眾多行業中得到廣泛應用。 聚乙烯(PE)旋塑成工藝一次性模式成型。產品具有:整體一次成型、無接縫、抗沖擊、抗老化、重量輕、不滲漏、耐酸堿、壽命長、符合衛生標準等優點。 使用性能大大傳統的玻璃鋼容器、塑料焊接容器、鋼襯玻璃鋼容器、鋼襯橡膠容器,是大多數化工等液體理想的儲存和運輸設備,在相當大的范圍內可取代不銹鋼、鎳、鈦等材料制品,產品廣泛適用于化工、**、生物、農藥、染料、冶金、稀土、電鍍、電力、紡織、印染、環保、機械、釀造、食品等行業。
序號 結 構 形 式 結 構 特 性
1 上活動蓋、下斜底結構 造價相對較低,側下部出料,設備高度相對較低,適用黏度與濃度不大的物料。
2 上活動蓋、下錐底(或橢圓、蝶形封頭)結構 造價相對較低,底部出料,放料干凈。
3 上下錐形封頭結構 造價相對較高,底部出料,放料干凈,全封閉結構,物料攪拌衛生。
4 上下橢圓(或蝶形)封頭結構 造價相對較高,底部出料,放料干凈,全封閉結構,物料攪拌衛生。比錐形封頭耐壓。
感謝您瀏覽我們的工廠,忙忙人海,在更多的企業中選擇與我們合作,我們用心為您解答問題,以上只是簡要內容,如需要更多了解,請致電給我們,價格僅供參考,因產品種類繁多,不能一一標明,具體詳情請電話聯系 林小姐15820982609,謝謝!Special mixing equipment features
◆ dispersing and mixing materials are high, without stirring dead Angle
◆ material structure can be heated and cooled
◆ well sealed equipment, zero leakage, zero pollution
◆ easy to use, maintain and cleanSpecial mixing equipment features
◆ dispersing and mixing materials are high, without stirring dead Angle
◆ material structure can be heated and cooled
◆ well sealed equipment, zero leakage, zero pollution
◆ easy to use, maintain and cleanSpecial mixing equipment features
◆ dispersing and mixing materials are high, without stirring dead Angle
◆ material structure can be heated and cooled
◆ well sealed equipment, zero leakage, zero pollution
◆ easy to use, maintain and cleanSpecial mixing equipment features
◆ dispersing and mixing materials are high, without stirring dead Angle
◆ material structure can be heated and cooled
◆ well sealed equipment, zero leakage, zero pollution
◆ easy to use, maintain and cleanSpecial mixing equipment features
◆ dispersing and mixing materials are high, without stirring dead Angle
◆ material structure can be heated and cooled
◆ well sealed equipment, zero leakage, zero pollution
◆ easy to use, maintain and clean