細砂回收機Fine Sand Recycling Machine(脫水篩Dewatering Screen)
細砂回收機的工作過程泵將砂水混合物輸送至旋流器,離心分級濃縮的細砂經沉砂嘴提供給振動篩,經振動篩(配用聚氨酯篩板)脫水后,細砂與水有效分離,少量細砂,泥等經返料箱再回到清洗槽,清洗槽液面過高時,經出料口排出,調,從而完成清洗,脫水和分級三種功能,該機廣泛應用于水電站砂石骨料加工系統,人工制砂生產線,選煤廠粗煤泥的回收,選礦廠尾礦回收工程(泥漿凈化)等,可有效解決細砂回收問題Vibrating screen adopts Polyurethane screen mesh,which has long lifetime and is not easy to block up the hole.The inner part of swirler has polyurethane,which improves the lifetime of whole equipment,and finish slurry concentrator and fluide clarifiant.Fine sand recovery system can recover 85% of the whole fine particle,and has technological and economical advantages.he fine particle can recover abundantly and reduce the work of settling pond and lower the cost of clearing the pond。