1. 顧客**,提供令顧客滿意的高品質產品。
2. 致力于不斷的技術革新和改善并將安全、健康、環保等精益理念融入其中,制造有附加價值的獨特產品。
湖南凱薩智能科技有限公司在充分發揮涂裝品牌、裝備、人才、技術、研發等方面優勢的基礎上,在“營造和諧、把握平衡、共同發展”的管理理念的指引下,仍將力行 “苦、嚴、實、快”的工作作風,厲行 “超越進取、永無止境”做為在民用、 新能源高端產業鏈自動化組裝生產線及涂裝生產線行業的企業精神;以“振興非標產業”為己任;以“研發和生產高技術、 高性能的涂裝設備 ”為目標;堅持以“市場及客戶的需求”為導向,以“建設**的員工隊伍”為基礎,用“企業高品質的產品及服務,創造和諧安全的社會生活環境” 作為企業永恒的追求!
Hunan KASA Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a company that integrates design, production, manufacturing and installation. We provides technical and equipment support for the development of various production equipment systems, surface coating technology, deep processing technology and equipment, in**l robots and logistics-related automatic assembly lines in the field of civil new energy vehicles and military aerospace.
Company management policy:
1. Customers first, providing high-quality products that satisfy customers.
2. Committed to continuous technological innovation and improvement and incorporating lean concepts such as safety, health, and environmental protection into it, creating unique products with additional value.
Based on taking full advantage of painting brands, equipment, talents, technology, research and development, and under the guidance of the management concept of "building harmony, grasping balance and common development", We will continue to the “bitter, strict, practical, and fast” style of work, and take the “exceed aggressiveness and never end” as the enterprise spirit in the automated assembly production line and coating production line industry of the high-end in**l chain of civilian and military new energy.